
정민 Tingmin 🇰🇷 NCCU 🐣 Beginner Expert 📖 Pronunciation | Basic | TOPIK

Pronunciation | Basic | TOPIK
632Coreano cursos terminados

sobre você

CoreanoC2 Proficient
InglêsC1 Advanced
Chinês simplificadoNative
🏅Minor in NCCU Korean Language and Culture 🏅 Exchanged to Seoultech 🏅Busan University of Foreign Studies Korean Language Program Level 6 🏅TOPIK 6 🏆【Beginner Expert】🏆 ▫️ 3 years of Korean Language Teaching Experience and 7 Years of Korean Learning Experience As a teacher who was once a student, I understand the blind spots of students in learning, which can help you quickly master language learning skills. 🥚【Basic Korean Pronunciation Course】🥚 ▫️Suitable for students with zero foundation and no prior knowledge of the Korean language ▫️Starting from the Korean alphabet, pronunciation rules, and basic sentence structure to vocabulary and short sentence practice, this course will help you master the Korean pronunciation skills step by step with ease! 🐣【Beginner Course : TOPIK Levels 1-2】🐣 ▫️Suitable for students who have already learned the Korean vowels and want to learn daily Korean conversation and strengthen their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in all areas ▫️Learning topics include self-introduction, shopping, asking for directions, ordering food, visiting a pharmacy, hobbies, transportation, and other Korean phrases necessary for daily life. ▫️Learning objectives include developing conversational skills for daily life, familiarizing with basic vocabulary, sentence patterns, and pronunciation. 🐤【Test Preparation Course: TOPIK Levels 1-2】🐤 ▫️Designed for students who want to pass the Korean language test at the beginner level ▫️Customized pre-test study plan, solving and analyzing test questions, and quickly mastering problem-solving techniques and key points of the test! 🐔【Intermediate Course: TOPIK Levels 3-4】🐔 ▫️Suitable for students who already have a basic foundation in the Korean language and want to further their learning to the intermediate level, and strengthen their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in all areas ▫️Learning topics include cooking, personality, etiquette, beauty salon, travel planning, education, environment, marriage, school life, and other cultural and social themes. ▫️Learning objectives include expressing and discussing topics related to culture, society, and information. Hello! I am Teacher Tingmin, and I have been studying Korean for 7 years. I have studied Korean at the National Chengchi University, Seoultech University, and Busan University of Foreign Studies University. As a former student, I understand the difficulties that students face when learning, and I combine teaching methods and content from Taiwanese and Korean teachers to provide you with the best learning experience. What will you do in the trial class? ➡️ Conduct a simple level analysis. ➡️ Understand the student's needs and jointly plan learning goals and progress. ➡️ Recommend class materials and explain the teaching method. ⚠️Class rules: ↘️ Before the class starts, make sure that your equipment and internet connection are working properly. ↘️ If you need to take a leave of absence, please cancel the class at least 24 hours in advance. If there is less than 24 hours left before the class starts, please send me a message on the AT chatroom.
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Mais descontos com 5 cursos terminados. Veja o preço no fundo ou no carrinho!


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Class videos can be downloaded
Videos from one-on-one courses can be downloaded within one year after the course ends, greatly enhancing your learning experience!
( This bonus only available for students who enable the class recording function)

285 comentários sobre o curso de Coreano

  • Gracie Liang
    Nov 7, 2023
  • 楊苹 Yong Peng
    Set 29, 2023
    上了體驗課感覺很棒! 雖然是初學者,但老師上課有條理,課程安排清晰,配合中文語境的解釋也很易懂,不會出現聽不懂/不明白老師在教什麼的情況。 另外老師會在進行中不斷確認理解與否,讓我能很安心地參與課堂~
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desempenho do professor



  • 2020 - 2023 韓語家教老師 Korean Tutor 한국어 과외선생님
  • 2021 - 2023 泰國高職 Kanchanaphisek Technical College Mahanakorn 태국고등학교


  • 2014 - 2018 國立政治大學 National Taiwan Chengchi University 대만 정치대학교 地政系 Land Economics 부동산학과


  • 對外華語教學能力認證 Teaching Mandarin Chinese as Second Language

  • 2020 - 2023 韓語家教老師 Korean Tutor 한국어 과외선생님
  • 2021 - 2023 泰國高職 Kanchanaphisek Technical College Mahanakorn 태국고등학교
  • 2014 - 2018

    國立政治大學 National Taiwan Chengchi University 대만 정치대학교

    地政系 Land Economics 부동산학과

  • 對外華語教學能力認證 Teaching Mandarin Chinese as Second Language


como se reserva

  • Depois da sua compra, reserve o curso de acordo da agenda do seu professor.
  • Pode começar o curso agora com os professores que 'pode ensinar agora'
  • Pode reservar cursos dentro de 24 horas com professores offline

sobre o preço

  • A sessão de julgamento dura 25 minutos
  • Um curso oficial dura 50 minutos
  • Mais descontos com 5 cursos oficiais terminados. O desconto tem por base o preço do professor.


  • Fique no sítio 10 minutos antes do curso. Clique no 'os meus cursos', clique 'entrar a sala de aula' e começar o curso na sala de aula de ZOOM
  • Pode-se usar ZOOM em telemóveis e computadores. (baixe a app de ZOOM no seu telemóvel)

sobre o reembolso

  • Clique no 'informar um problema' quando se encontrar problemas sobre os cursos. O professor pode reprogramar ou reembolsar moedas AT.
  • O sistema reembolsa moedas AT se o professor não respondesse dentro de 12 horas.
como se reserva
  • Depois da sua compra, reserve o curso de acordo da agenda do seu professor.
  • Pode começar o curso agora com os professores que 'pode ensinar agora'
  • Pode reservar cursos dentro de 24 horas com professores offline
sobre o preço
  • A sessão de julgamento dura 25 minutos
  • Um curso oficial dura 50 minutos
  • Mais descontos com 5 cursos oficiais terminados. O desconto tem por base o preço do professor.
  • Fique no sítio 10 minutos antes do curso. Clique no 'os meus cursos', clique 'entrar a sala de aula' e começar o curso na sala de aula de ZOOM
  • Pode-se usar ZOOM em telemóveis e computadores. (baixe a app de ZOOM no seu telemóvel)
sobre o reembolso
  • Clique no 'informar um problema' quando se encontrar problemas sobre os cursos. O professor pode reprogramar ou reembolsar moedas AT.
  • O sistema reembolsa moedas AT se o professor não respondesse dentro de 12 horas.

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