
British and academic English
2Inglês cursos terminados

sobre você

*Due to time difference - I am in London - please send me a message and I will get back to you ASAP! :)* Hiya! My name is Hinny and I love teaching and learning languages. My strengths are teaching beginner's and conversational English/Korean. I have taught Korean for about ten years now and hope to one day be a lecturer. I am very patient with students and have experience teaching a diverse range of people. I love to vary the exercise types and always seek to tailor the teaching to what the student wants. 您好,我叫Hinny,中文名字是小唐,我在倫敦已有超過10年的語言教學經驗,目前於LSE(倫敦政經學院)任教韓文,我熱愛教學語言以及學習不同的語言(目前正在進修中文)。因為我也懂學習第二語言的困難,所以對於不同程度的學習者都保持著耐心與同理心教學。 我的教學風格比較偏向於輕鬆有趣的教學方式,會把重點放在對話的流暢度,通常來說不會給予超過學生程度的內容,讓學生由淺入深的方式喜歡語言。 In my class I can guarantee: 1. Beginner's English & Everyday Conversation. I will emphasise practising and improving general conversational skills on real-life, practical topics and relevant current affairs. 2. Article/song lyrics/dialogue Comprehension. I will emphasise the student's reading, translation, and understanding of a current text, which they will have read in advance or at the start of the class. We will discuss the student's reception of the text. 3. Formal English- there are difference between working English and daily conversation. In my class, I will teach what words are for working, writing E-mail, etc, and what words are for daily conversation. 4. Homework. I will give assignments to the student at the end of each class. The type and amount will depend on what the student would prefer. 在我的課堂中,您可學到: 1. 日常對話-透過相關日常對話的主題,我會讓您加強練習並協助您慢慢地進步。 2. 文章、歌詞、內容理解-我將著重閱讀技巧,讓您容易地理解內文,而文章或歌詞可應您需求去準備,或是您有偏好的內容,這些都可事先討論。 3. 書信/商業英文-日常對話與職場上的英文有些不一樣,因此我的課堂中,會跟您解釋哪些是商用英文或是日常英文,讓您對話更加流暢 4. 作業-每次課堂結束後,我會為您準備一些作業,大多為單字與文法,而這些作業會以您的程度而訂,所以不需要太擔心。 My teaching style is more laid-back and focuses on the flow of conversation. I have most of my experience teaching beginner's English and Korean, as well as conversational lessons. In class, I use minimal material and only as a stimulus for broader development and from which to expand a conversation. I am more actively focused on grammar and vocabulary in the marking and providing of feedback for Homework. 若是您感到興趣,歡迎傳訊息給或是預約體驗課程,並更進一步的討論,謝謝 :)
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2 comentários sobre o curso de Inglês

  • Din
    Ago 9, 2020
    先介紹一下自己英文程度,多益大概400-500區間,讀寫比聽說好,口說表達時只會用單字跟奇怪到語法。 上課模式是老師會問你一些基礎的問題,例如今天的天氣,你住哪等基本的問題,再由問題去衍生問答與對話。1.在對話過程中,老師很有耐心聽完你說的,並且會教導如何更正確的用英文句子去表達你要說的話。 2.老師說英文的腔調很正確,且不會說太快,如果還是聽不懂,他會打字並且念過一次給你聽,讓你明白語句的意思,我自己會跟著在念一次。 3.老師很好聊健談,不用擔心沒話聊,通常問一個問題後,我是會反問回去,老師也會認真回答。 推薦給想學英文但是害羞內向的人,老師非常nice
  • Susu
    Jul 29, 2020
    For VIP Demo Class: I am glad to get Hinny's lesson. He is friendly and patient. We had a conversation in Korean. He will correct my grammatical errors in the end of the class. And I also can understand his English and Korean, so if you want to get Hinny's course, don't worry, just say, he will correct you. Hinny非常親切、有耐心又健談,覺得最神奇的是兩個非母語者用韓文進行對話,這就是語言最有魅力的地方。一開始我們都用英文介紹自己,因為老師也會教韓文,所以最後決定韓文對話,老師在課程最後也幫我修正和整理了文法錯誤和單字。
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desempenho do professor



  • 2015 - 2019 SOAS, University of London
  • 2015 - 2020 LSE (London School of Economics) Language Centre


  • 2009 - 2013 SOAS (University of London) Japan and Korea

  • 2013 - 2014 SOAS (University of London) Japan and Korea

  • 2015 - 2020 SOAS (University of London) Japan and Korea

  • 2015 - 2019 SOAS, University of London
  • 2015 - 2020 LSE (London School of Economics) Language Centre
  • 2009 - 2013

    SOAS (University of London)

    Japan and Korea

  • 2013 - 2014

    SOAS (University of London)

    Japan and Korea

  • 2015 - 2020

    SOAS (University of London)

    Japan and Korea


como se reserva

  • Depois da sua compra, reserve o curso de acordo da agenda do seu professor.
  • Pode começar o curso agora com os professores que 'pode ensinar agora'
  • Pode reservar cursos dentro de 24 horas com professores offline

sobre o preço

  • A sessão de julgamento dura 25 minutos
  • Um curso oficial dura 50 minutos
  • Mais descontos com 5 cursos oficiais terminados. O desconto tem por base o preço do professor.


  • Fique no sítio 10 minutos antes do curso. Clique no 'os meus cursos', clique 'entrar a sala de aula' e começar o curso na sala de aula de ZOOM
  • Pode-se usar ZOOM em telemóveis e computadores. (baixe a app de ZOOM no seu telemóvel)

sobre o reembolso

  • Clique no 'informar um problema' quando se encontrar problemas sobre os cursos. O professor pode reprogramar ou reembolsar moedas AT.
  • O sistema reembolsa moedas AT se o professor não respondesse dentro de 12 horas.
como se reserva
  • Depois da sua compra, reserve o curso de acordo da agenda do seu professor.
  • Pode começar o curso agora com os professores que 'pode ensinar agora'
  • Pode reservar cursos dentro de 24 horas com professores offline
sobre o preço
  • A sessão de julgamento dura 25 minutos
  • Um curso oficial dura 50 minutos
  • Mais descontos com 5 cursos oficiais terminados. O desconto tem por base o preço do professor.
  • Fique no sítio 10 minutos antes do curso. Clique no 'os meus cursos', clique 'entrar a sala de aula' e começar o curso na sala de aula de ZOOM
  • Pode-se usar ZOOM em telemóveis e computadores. (baixe a app de ZOOM no seu telemóvel)
sobre o reembolso
  • Clique no 'informar um problema' quando se encontrar problemas sobre os cursos. O professor pode reprogramar ou reembolsar moedas AT.
  • O sistema reembolsa moedas AT se o professor não respondesse dentro de 12 horas.

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