
Jenny🌈👑KIDS teacher🤴👸Fun & Energetic🌈💖

1274Inglês cursos terminados

sobre você

InglêsC2 Proficient
Chinês simplificadoNative
~~~ 🎀 Jenny’s introduction & hobbies 🎀 ~~~ 🍋 I graduated from South China Normal University school , have 7 years of teaching experience (2 Years as an English teacher at primary school, 1 Year as a Chinese teacher at primary school , 4 years of as a family Tutor) 🍋 I taught more than 10000 lessons, more than 400 students at primary schools or elementary schools . 🍋 I am good at helping children to overcome their pychologic blocks when they encountered problems in learning a new language, and I know how to stimulate their interests and keep them going in their learning. 🍋 According to students' needs, I can offer them the tailored high-quality curriculum. 🌸 I like making some handcrafts as toys for my little fairy. 🌸 I love dancing and singing with my lovely students. 🌸 I enjoy to have a nice stroll in the park with my friends. ~~~ 👑 Teaching style of Jenny’s class 👑 ~~~ ⭐ According to students' needs, I can offer them the tailored high-quality curriculum. ⭐ Game is a way to stimulate childfren's interests and keep them going. In additon, I will encourage them to actively harvest knowledge. ⭐ Jenny's class is fun ,active and relaxed! Let's play and learn! ~~~ 🎀 Successful cases sharing from Jenny's class 🎀 ~~~ 🍀Successfully helped a first-grade child Jiahao who hated English fell in love with English. Everytime, we finish our class, he would teach their parents to sing English children's songs. His parents was so happy about that their child love English. 🍀I once offered a child named Guanchun a tailored high-quality curriculum of Chinese and English, which effectively helped him improve and keep his grades in the top three of his class and top ten of the grade from Grade three to Grade six. Finally, because of his great primary school transcripts , he got the chance to be recommended to the key middle school ,Shimen middle school. 💡 Are you afraid that your child's grades are not good and can't enter a good higer school? Don't hesitate! Text me ! I can help you!😃😃 ~ ~ ~ 🎀 Jenny's classroom rules 🎀 ~ ~ ~ 🍮Please be on time. If you need a leave, please give me 12 hours’notice. 🍮 If you miss the class without any notice, I will wait for you for 10 minutes on-line . After 10 minutes, you will be deemed to have dropped out of this class. If you need to start the class early, check the teacher’s latest schedule or ask if there are any special arrangements. 🍮Absence or lateness of more than 10 minutes, you will be assumed that you completed this class and it can not be rescheduled. 🍮Please choose a suitable learning environment as far as possible and try to keep the network smooth.
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cursos em grupo

um desconto de cerca de 40% 🔥 disponibilidade limitada!
Jenny🍊限时7.5折小班热烈招生中 团体班课程 约为正式课的 7.5折 🔥 优惠名额有限! 與一對一課程相比,優惠約 25%🔥 折扣席位有限! 🏆劍橋原版教材power up 2 組班啦 ⭐ 寶藏課程🏆精致小班(2-4人)優惠限額招生中~~~ 📌線上 不怕疫情中斷課程,保質保量幫助寶貝學習英語! 📌一對一價格好貴,想上小班課? 📌小朋友想要和同學互動還能得到老師關注,小班課最合適! Power up1 組班啦! 📖教材介紹: Power up是劍橋體系,與劍橋 ’s box為同一作者編寫,可以看作為kb的升級版,與之相比,pu每單元更多版塊 更豐富閱讀內容 更豐富的跨學科知識(自然 科學 藝術 人文 歷史 地理等)配套練習冊也非常豐富 👉能滿足日常聽說讀寫全面發展需求 👉能對標劍橋 英語考試 👉能接觸原汁原味的原版閱讀語料 教材亮點: ✅任務式學習:每單元帶3個任務,在學習過程中需要完成這三個任務 ✅閱讀內容豐富:相當於英語母語國家的語文教材 ✅對標劍少考試:每單元結尾都有對應考試的訓練內容 課程設計: 一級共9單元,共70節課左右,每節課50分鐘,一周兩次(預計週四週五18:00-18:50) 上課方式: 老師互動上課 報名流程: 1. 先跟老師瞭解教材難度 2. 约一节体验课,试听20~25分钟, 水準合格入班 報名要求: 1. 系統學習英語1-2年,辭彙量在300左右 2. 只讀過繪本的也要測試水準 3. 家長負責,不放任不管 4. 最好平時有閱讀習慣 5. 不小於5歲半 (有想法)#原版英語教材 #閱讀 #劍橋 英語 #讀書 # 英語 #英語學習 #英語 #學習 #powerup
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Mais descontos com 5 cursos terminados. Veja o preço no fundo ou no carrinho!


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616 comentários sobre o curso de Inglês

  • anônimo
    Set 27, 2022
    今天上課老師補充了一些過去式的字念法, 深深的吸引我的注意, 因-為-老師的補充教材排版設計的好-好-看! (((欸~這位學生~犯職業病,放錯重點 (((不過好看的排版就是讓人賞心悅目然後上課就不小心姨母笑 不過,從這點能看出,Jenny老師真的處處很用心, 花很多心思在學生身上 非常推薦Jenny老師的英文課程, 上課有趣、不無聊,而且老師很有耐心又溫柔😊
  • Sandra
    Set 27, 2022
    老師上課時間都很準時,且有任何疑問都可以隨時提問或是課後詢問, 回覆速度也很快。 Jenny老師都很關心學生學習狀況,隨時抓出問題點, 覺得每堂都有不同的收穫,不論是片語、文法、發音、詞語, (像是今天有些字念錯,或是講的語調不對,老師都能及時點出教導; 遇到不會的字時,老師會用英文解釋使用情境,讓我了解意思並加深印象)。 課後會出小作業,督促學習與靈活運用所學。 老師記性很好,都記得先前的所學與狀況,也記得我們聊天的內容 如果跟我一樣人生第一次上口說英文一對一, 並非常想努力加強英文的人, 強力推薦Jenny老師,上課很愉快、輕鬆, 能勇敢大聲的讓你說英文 👍
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desempenho do professor



  • 2014 - 2022 school


  • 2015 - 2019 South China Normal University English Education


  • teacher certificate

  • 2014 - 2022 school
  • 2015 - 2019

    South China Normal University

    English Education

  • teacher certificate


como se reserva

  • Depois da sua compra, reserve o curso de acordo da agenda do seu professor.
  • Pode começar o curso agora com os professores que 'pode ensinar agora'
  • Pode reservar cursos dentro de 24 horas com professores offline

sobre o preço

  • A sessão de julgamento dura 25 minutos
  • Um curso oficial dura 50 minutos
  • Mais descontos com 5 cursos oficiais terminados. O desconto tem por base o preço do professor.


  • Fique no sítio 10 minutos antes do curso. Clique no 'os meus cursos', clique 'entrar a sala de aula' e começar o curso na sala de aula de ZOOM
  • Pode-se usar ZOOM em telemóveis e computadores. (baixe a app de ZOOM no seu telemóvel)

sobre o reembolso

  • Clique no 'informar um problema' quando se encontrar problemas sobre os cursos. O professor pode reprogramar ou reembolsar moedas AT.
  • O sistema reembolsa moedas AT se o professor não respondesse dentro de 12 horas.
como se reserva
  • Depois da sua compra, reserve o curso de acordo da agenda do seu professor.
  • Pode começar o curso agora com os professores que 'pode ensinar agora'
  • Pode reservar cursos dentro de 24 horas com professores offline
sobre o preço
  • A sessão de julgamento dura 25 minutos
  • Um curso oficial dura 50 minutos
  • Mais descontos com 5 cursos oficiais terminados. O desconto tem por base o preço do professor.
  • Fique no sítio 10 minutos antes do curso. Clique no 'os meus cursos', clique 'entrar a sala de aula' e começar o curso na sala de aula de ZOOM
  • Pode-se usar ZOOM em telemóveis e computadores. (baixe a app de ZOOM no seu telemóvel)
sobre o reembolso
  • Clique no 'informar um problema' quando se encontrar problemas sobre os cursos. O professor pode reprogramar ou reembolsar moedas AT.
  • O sistema reembolsa moedas AT se o professor não respondesse dentro de 12 horas.

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