Fluent by end of 2023

Hello all, my name is Krizia most people call me Kriz. I am a 37 year old mom of two boys who are 14 and 11. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico until I was about 11-12 years old when my parents decided to move to NYC. I have been living in NYC ever since. Korean will be my third language, as I speak Spanish as my mother tongue and English. I have been learning Korean on my own since about Nov 2021. I started taking my learning seriously around Jan 2022. Teaching myself Korean has honestly been challenging, at one point in the beginning I was doing too many things, too many apps, too many lessons on my own and I felt like I was not really learning. I decided to take a break for about 2 weeks because I was seriously overwhelmed and burned out from studying Korean. At that point I decided to only focus on the alphabet and studied that religiously for about 6 months before deciding to move on to other things other than the alphabet. I took a couple of lessons that helped me understand the rules of reading Korean and how batchim works.While a group class was ok I felt it was not enough and I would rather have a one-on-one class where I am able to ask questions and go at my own pace. As soon as I understood how batchim and the rules of reading Korean works I decided it was time for me to get a dedicated tutor. I found amazing talker and Yewon reached out to me as soon as I signed up. Other teachers had also reached out but none of them responded and/or I felt they were not the right fit. I took a trial lesson with Yewon and sold immediately as I know he was going to be the one help me become fluent. My dream is to become somewhat fluent by the end of 2023 and to be able to use Korean at my job when needed. I am so excited to continue my journey with Yewon. I have already purchased my second set of lessons with him and I am over the moon with the progress I have made since taking his class. Yewon is super patient and is very passionate about teaching Korea. He is very good with his explanations and tailors the lessons to cover my learning style. Yewon gives me encouragement to continue learning and succeeding with my Korean journey. I cannot wait to see where I am a year from now. If you have thought about getting a tutor and are not sure if amazing talker is the right place, I am telling you now it is. If you are serious about learning a new language and are looking for caring teachers who will push you and make you better then this is the right place. As we get older they say it is very hard to learn a new language but I am proof that it is possible. I wish you all good luck in your language journeys.


Teacher in the story

초급 한국어⎟한국어 회화⎟말하기 🌏
22 €
/ 50 min
2 €
/ Aula de experiência
InglêsB2 Upper-Intermediate
초급 한국어⎟한국어 회화⎟말하기 🌏
InglêsB2 Upper-Intermediate
Chinês simplificadoA1 Beginner
🌿수년간 한국어 티칭경험 🌿모든 레벨을 위한 수업 🌿쉽고 재미있는 한국어 🌿한/영 통역사 경험 🌿한국어 회화 전문 선생님(수준별 1:1 맞춤 커리큘럼 수업) 🌿영화, 드라마를 통해 배우는 진짜 한국어 🌿열정적이고 학생들과 원활한 소통 한국인들이 쓰는 진짜 한국어 대화가 궁금하신가요❓ 좋아하는 K-DRAMA의 대사가 궁금한가요❓ 예원 수업을 듣게 되면 이제 한국말을 말할 수 있습니다👏 저는 여러분들의 선생님이자 친구가 되어 드리겠습니다!
Mais informações


  • 안녕하세요 지아!!ㅎㅎ
    고마워요!☺️ I am also happy to teach you Korean!
    I'm always trying to teach you the classes you need,
    and thank you so much for you knowing that:D
    Let's continue to have fun like now!🥳 화이팅 화이팅!!!
    금요일에 만나요~~☀️
  • Thank you for this sharing. I am a mom too and raising kid just burned out myself in the past 5 years. Through learning Korean with Yewon, it reminds the passion that I had in my young age. Your story really encouraging me to keep on learning Korean. Thank you Kriz.